|||||||||||| XH MAR BETHLEHEM
Properly sized accessories for boilers, heaters and burners are essential for their operation, performance, efficiency and safety within acceptable standards and regulations in force.
We work in a way to facilitate the installation and assembly of accessories both on the site foundation and on already existing equipment, giving attention to the noise factor, so that our products reach a level below 85dB.
Our engineering and production are technically able to offer accessories for boilers not exceeding 100 t/h of steam, heaters with a power limit of 20 Gcal/h and burners up to 30 Gcal/h.
Among the main applications, there are the industries of food, plywood, derivatives, timber, cellulose and paper, chemicals and textiles.
XH MAR BETHLEHEM provides a range of accessories for the best use of the equipment:

|||||||||||| XH MAR BETHLEHEM
Fornecimento de acessórios dimensionados de forma correta para caldeiras, aquecedores e queimadores, para garantir seu funcionamento, rendimento, eficiência e segurança dentro de padrões aceitáveis e normas vigentes.
Trabalhamos de forma a facilitar a instalação e montagem dos acessórios na base civil e equipamentos já existentes, dando a mesma importância para o fator de ruídos, tendo o cuidado para um nível abaixo de 85dB.
Nossa engenharia e produção têm condições técnicas de ofertar acessórios para caldeiras não superior a 100 t/h de vapor, aquecedores com limite de potência de 20 Gcal/h e queimadores até 30 Gcal/h.
Dentre as principais aplicações temos os ramos da indústria alimentícia, compensados, derivados, madeireira, papel e celulose, química e têxtil.
A XH MAR BETHLEHEM fornece uma gama de acessórios para o melhor aproveitamento dos equipamentos.

Properly sized accessories for boilers, heaters and burners are essential for their operation, performance, efficiency and safety within acceptable standards and regulations in force.
We work in a way to facilitate the installation and assembly of accessories both on the site foundation and on already existing equipment, giving attention to the noise factor, so that our products reach a level below 85dB.
Our engineering and production are technically able to offer accessories for boilers not exceeding 100 t/h of steam, heaters with a power limit of 20 Gcal/h and burners up to 30 Gcal/h.
Among the main applications, there are the industries of food, plywood, derivatives, timber, cellulose and paper, chemicals and textiles.
XH MAR BETHLEHEM provides a range of accessories for the best use of the equipment:


- Firewood Feeding Cars.
- Chimneys.
- Deaerators .
- Air Duct.
- Gas Pipes.
- Economizer.
- Ladder and Platforms.
- Firewood Feeding Conveyor.
- Exhaust Fan.
- Ash Extractors.
- Multicyclone Filter.
- Microcyclone Filter.
- Cyclone Filter.
- Baghouse Filter.
- Furnaces.
- Grates and Molten Plates.
- Rotary Valves.
- Grates (movable and fixed).
- Thermal insulation for Equipment and piping.
- Scrubbers.
- Hopper provided with Screw or Movable Bottom.
- Air Preheater.
- Dosing Silo provided with Screw or Movable Bottom.
- Superheater.
- Screw Conveyor.
- Valve Silencer.
- Steam Drum.
- Condensed Tank.
- Bottom Discharge Tank.
- Belt Conveyors.
- Redler Conveyor.
- Fans.
- Carros Alimentadores de Lenha.
- Chaminé.
- Desaerador.
- Dutos de Ar.
- Dutos de Gases.
- Economizador.
- Escadas e Plataformas.
- Esteiras de Alimentação de Lenha.
- Exaustores.
- Extratores de Cinzas.
- Filtro Multiciclone.
- Filtro Microciclone.
- Filtro Ciclone.
- Filtro de Mangas.
- Fornalhas.
- Grelhas e Placas Fundidas.
- Válvulas Rotativas.
- Grelhados, (móvel e fixo).
- Isolamento Térmico para Equipamentos e Tubulações.
- Lavador de Gases.
- Moegas com Rosca ou Fundo Móvel.
- Pré Aquecedor de Ar.
- Silo Dosador com Roscas ou Fundo Móvel.
- Superaquecedor.
- Roscas Transportadoras.
- Silenciadores para Válvulas.
- Tambor de Vapor.
- Tanque de Condensado.
- Tanque de Descarga de Fundo.
- Transportadores de Correia.
- Transportadores de Arraste (Redler).
- Ventiladores.
- Firewood Feeding Cars.
- Chimneys.
- Deaerators .
- Air Duct.
- Gas Pipes.
- Economizer.
- Ladder and Platforms.
- Firewood Feeding Conveyor.
- Exhaust Fan.
- Ash Extractors.
- Multicyclone Filter.
- Microcyclone Filter.
- Cyclone Filter.
- Baghouse Filter.
- Furnaces.
- Grates and Molten Plates.
- Rotary Valves.
- Grates (movable and fixed).
- Thermal insulation for Equipment and piping.
- Scrubbers.
- Hopper provided with Screw or Movable Bottom.
- Air Preheater.
- Dosing Silo provided with Screw or Movable Bottom.
- Superheater.
- Screw Conveyor.
- Valve Silencer.
- Steam Drum.
- Condensed Tank.
- Bottom Discharge Tank.
- Belt Conveyors.
- Redler Conveyor.
- Fans.
Our staff is ready to assist you.
Our staff is ready to assist you
Following and complying with environmental regulations and fire safety are basic conditions to XH MAR Bethlehem. Therefore, we develop Multicyclones, Microcyclones and Metallic Cyclones, with the option of internal cast components that meet the resolution of CONAMA 382/2006. Other standards will be attended and respected according to the specification of each project or client’s request.
Used to increase the thermal efficiency of an appliance, its operation is based on an exchanger to heat the combustion air (necessary for a perfect combustion) using the surplus energy of gases from the fuel burning. The heat exchangers can be produced in parallel flow or counter flow configurations.
Following and complying with environmental regulations and fire safety are basic conditions to XH MAR Bethlehem. Therefore, we develop Multicyclones, Microcyclones and Metallic Cyclones, with the option of internal cast components that meet the resolution of CONAMA 382/2006. Other standards will be attended and respected according to the specification of each project or client’s request.
Used to increase the thermal efficiency of an appliance, its operation is based on an exchanger to heat the combustion air (necessary for a perfect combustion) using the surplus energy of gases from the fuel burning. The heat exchangers can be produced in parallel flow or counter flow configurations.
There are two types of deaerators: the cascade-type and the spray-type. What differentiates them, essentially, is the way in which the processed water circulates through the deaerators. In the former, the water cascades down over trays. In the latter, as the name makes clear, the water is sprayed.
We produce two types of metal chimneys: self-supporting and cable-stayed. What differentiates them, essentially, is the way they are supported. In the first, the chimney has the quality of being supported by itself. In the second, the chimney needs the aid of steel cables to support itself in the vertical position.
Há dois tipos de desaeradores: o de bandeja e o de pulverização. O que os diferencia, essencialmente, é a forma como a água processada circula através dos desaeradores. No primeiro, a água desce em cascata sobre bandejas. No segundo, como o próprio nome deixa claro, a água é pulverizada.
Produzimos dois tipos de chaminés metálicos: autoportante e o estaiado. O que os diferencia, essencialmente, é a forma como são suportados. No primeiro, a chaminé tem a qualidade de ser sustentada por si, somente. No segundo, a chaminé necessita do auxílio de cabos de aço para se sustentar na posição vertical.

Highway SC 350 | N° 4851 | Downtown
CEP: 89170-000 | Laurentino/SC | Brazil

Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Highway SC 350 | N° 4851 | Downtown | CEP: 89170-000 | Laurentino/SC | Brazil

Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.